Cosmology Views


I self-published 5 books in 2020. I expect no one having any influence will ever read them. I will share with my FaceBook friends their highlights. Each book has unique contributions from me to advance several sciences.

It is amazing to me that I can draw so many unique conclusions from public data. Either a) others are missed from internet searches , or b) no one else could draw these, or c) most likely:
most people trust the experts and believe what they are taught about the sciences, without question. That trust enables issues persisting for too long. That trust probably continues because most people don't encounter these sciences in their daily life. 

In my retirement, I have the motivation to question the dogma.
Perhaps some conclusions are not perfect, but I expect those are still close.

Perhaps, this post could seem inappropriate. However, I could get covid because I am more vulnerable for several reasons and then my life is immediately changed, so this could be the time for a post like this. Some should get a summary of the books, even if they don't read the books.

These are my 5 books and the notable contributions in each. All 5 are over 200 pages so some points were probably missed.

1) Observing Our Universe

The word observing in the title refers to many problems caused by ignoring the observer's context. Retativity's special observer is one example. with the Doppler effect, being only in the observer's line of sight and never 3-dimensional, as another.

a) Explain the 2 distinct red and blue shift mechanisms in a galaxy 
b) Explain the 2 red shift mechanisms in a quasar.

Currently, all spectrum shifts from galaxies and quasars are interpreted wrong, because the shift can never be the velocity of either object.

c) Explain correctly the Doppler effect behavior with light.
d) Explain the correct way to interpret spectrum shifts.
e) Explain a new way to calculate a galaxy distance.

f) Provide an Excel spreadsheet, as a pdf, having data for many of the galaxies including, when available, red shift as z or velocity, distance, diameter, constellation. It is organized by 1) quadrant in the sky, 2) constellation, 3) galaxy. Its Messier number is used when it also has an NGC number.

  (f) was done to support (a).

g) Explain how LIGO can claim detections of gravitational waves when those waves do not exist.

This effort for (g) included making several predictions of detections on November 10, 2019 for specific, separate spans of dates in that month. LIGO reported wave detections as expected, confirming the predictions. LIGO claims an astrophysical source, but this exercise confirmed their mistake. They are actually detecting a disturbance on the predictable days of the Moon and/or the Sun putting a strain on Earth's crust, or an earth tide. The very first LIGO detection was exactly on the day of a perigee, when the Moon is at its closest to Earth in its monthly orbit. LIGO has never detected anything from a claimed distant source.
The National Science Foundation was notified by email in December, 2019, of LIGO's mistake, This was quickly acknowledged by email, but in the response,  the details were dismissed. There was no public action by LIGO or NSF.  Several times, a public comment was submitted to a subsequent LIGO Facebook public post, but with no response.

I took a personal interest in LIGO's mistake. Unfortunately, both NSF and LIGO changed nothing, but I noted the exchange in my book. The book cites others who also doubted LIGO's claims, in a public manner.

h) Provide an Excel spreadsheet, as a pdf, having data for all the LIGO detections and their accompanying terrestrial source. (h) was done to support (g).

i) Justify no dark matter, no dark energy, no universe expansion, no big bang, no space-time from relativity. Others did some, but this book does all, by including certain citations.

2) Cosmology Transition

The word transition in the title comes from the task of addressing the cosmology issues described in the first book.

a) fix the bad data, like galaxy velocities, and some galaxy distances.

b) Describe and reference papers published by others (with citation) to present new models for a star or a spiral galaxy.

c) Suggest a data base design to archive astronomical data including the spectrum, distance, constellation, and more, for galaxies and quasars. Archives like Wikipedia sometimes omit critical data. Currently, there is no organized, convenient reference having the necessary details for a cosmologist. This is just a suggestion; others will have their own additional suggestions. If accepted, a similar design is easily adapted for stars.

This data base design integrates the recommendations in book 1.

3) Cosmology Connections

The word connections in the title refers to electrical connections.

a) Explain how to identify a radiation source as emission lines or either thermal radiation or synchrotron radiation (SR), from its spectrum. These SR sources can be confused.
b) Identify sources of SR in our solar system, and beyond.

4) Redefining Gravity

The word redefining in the title comes from the transition of changing the definition of gravity from its mistake as space-time back to Newton's force.

a) Explain the new mechanism for Newton's force of gravity. He defined the force and its equations but not its mechanism. Justify no space-time which, by mistake, was claimed to be better than Newton's force.

b) Justify a change to Kepler's Third Law of Planetary Motion.

The change enables its use for moons and exoplanets.

c) Provide an Excel spreadsheet, as a pdf, having data for most of the solar system objects, including all planets and their moons, many asteroids, and several comets. When available, the data include the object's radius and its orbit's axis and period.

It is organized by distance in AU to each planet or asteroid; each planet's moons are by distance.

d) Provide an Excel Spreadsheet, as a pdf, having orbital data for many of the exoplanets.

(c) and (d) were done to confirm (b).

e) Justify no black hole and no neutron star.

5) Practical Particle Physics

The word practical in the title comes from an approach starting with the accumulated data and dropping unnecessary particles. The result is a better foundation. Something is more practical after useless items are removed. After a fresh start, and with the changes to the fundamentals, some explanations can be improved to suit the data.

The Standard Model defines all the subatomic particles and their behaviors. Much of that model is affected by this book.

a) Justify a slightly reduced mass of a proton

Hydrogen having only 1 proton and 1 electron cannot have a mass defect. It does now, before this change.

b) Explain 2 new behaviors of a proton; it gets compressed by fusion causing its mass reduction (both are confirmed by measurement); it can become an antiproton.

c) Explain a new behavior of an electron; it can become a positron.

d) Justify a new definition of a neutron; as proton and electron in contact.

e) Explain the cause of an element's mass defect. (e) used (b) and (d)

f) Explain the origin and apparent lack of antimatter. (f) used (b) and (c)

g) Explain gravity with no gravitons.   (g) explains the author's mechanism for Newton's force of gravity. This mechanism was also in book 4.

h) Explain the photoelectric effect with no photons. It is a wave length behavior.

i) Explain a new mechanism for particle pair production.  (i) used (c).

j)  Explain a new mechanism for Compton scattering with no photons, using (h) and (i).
k) Explain a new mechanism for beta plus decay. (k) used (h) and (i).

l) Explain a spectrum shift by Doppler effect with no photons. This is a wave length behavior and this also helps to justify dropping the unnecessary photon, a quasi-particle which does not exist. A paper published in 2018 about Planck's Constant, and cited in this book, also concluded there is no photon. Some of (l) was adapted from book 1.
m) Justify no quarks in the atomic model; they are just debris.
n) Justify a new particle category for muon.

o) Justify a new definition of the Strong Force; as the attractive electrostatic force when flipped between protons forced into contact.

p) Justify a new definition of the Weak Force; as the electrostatic force, when flipped back to repulsion.

q) Provide an Excel Spreadsheet, as xls, having data for all of the elements and some of their isotopes. (q) was done to confirm (e). The worksheet is too large to print. The main worksheet has over 800 rows. There are 118 elements in the periodic table.

  (q) includes analysis data. some copied directly to the book, accompanied by a compilation of public data, in a convenient format, including the electron shell configuration for each element. The zip with the xls has 2 accompanying text files, to 1) explain each column with suggestions for those columns usually hidden, and 2) identify the row number to start each element.

<end of book 5>

The sciences affected by the 5 books include: astronomy, astrophysics, chemistry, cosmology, particle physics, physics, quantum mechanics.

My conclusions and recommendations might not be correct all of the tme, but I expect they are correct most of the time, when driven by public data. None are incredible. That's why I hope it was worthwhile to publish them for others to read and consider, if they choose.

I hope criticism is constructive. Criticism of this presentation, not its conclusions, is not productive. This post is about re-evaluating many current conclusions.

Some aspects, including theories and conclusions, of these sciences should be updated to suit the current accumulation of data.  My books should not be the only reason.

For example, a paper published in 2015 was very important to (e).

Papers published in 2010, 2015, and 2018 supported (h).

All 5 books have their specific web page having clickable links to their internet references, (including the external files noted in the book's text), identified individually by page.

A science is supposed to be an accumulation of knowledge, by experiment and observation. Unfortunately, some of the theories associated with the archive of data have stagnated.

These books recommend changes to help make some flawed theories worthy again.

 Each book is distinct, having its own conclusions for the particular topics presented within that book. No book can reference a subsequent book.

Attached is the public description of the 5th and final book.

Note to those having Kindle unlimited: That package enables a free Kindle download of any of these books from Amazon.

This post is not about the books but about their new conclusions which are briefly described here. Some of these sciences need a renovation.
