Cosmology View

My views on Cosmology and Physics

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LIGO Legacy

LIGO leaves a disheartening legacy for the progress of physics, which is the science of forces, matter, and motion.

LIGO is pivotal in a story where the elite of a science latched onto a mistake and the rest followed, without questioning the path. This is simply because in a large group, the experts are always right. Doubting them can put one's career in jeopardy.
This scenario is not limited to physics.

LIGO claimed to detect 4 non-existent entities and 1 highly improbable behavior, and to confirm 1 fundamental mistake.

LIGO is the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory. LIGO is an international collaboration, in line with the importance of what it seeks to confirm. A few had an agenda, got funding, and on it went, so the few were responsible for keeping everyone working toward a common goal. Unfortunately, this effort started in the absolutely wrong direction (the list of 6), never having a chance to provide a result to advance any discipline of science, meaning every hour and dollar was wasted.

LIGO was awarded the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics, because its dubious claims provided the very important illusion that modern physics was on a correct path.

Without some form of confirmation, doubt can arise about the current path, leading to dissension.

Without publicity proclaiming the necessary results, investing in science and research can be questioned.

The 4 non-existent entities:
1) black hole,
2) gravitational wave,
3) neutron star,
4) space-time.

The 1 highly improbable behavior:

1) the LIGO-defined "inspiral" merger.

The 1 mistake is only a theory, but an important one:

Einstein's theory of relativity (both special and general).

Technically, Einstein defined space-time as only a set of 4 values from position changes of his special, moving observer. Eventually, it became a thing, like in: "the fabric of space-time"  or "a ripple in space-time" which was often used by LIGO.

I had wanted a smaller page count, but LIGO claimed to detect 97 fictitious waves, and I listed them. Rather than the reader having to look elsewhere for some details, the data are provided. It is important to explain the reasons why many non-existent things could be detected 97 times.

Of course, many books were written on these 6 topics, but hopefully I can explain them succinctly in under 80 pages.

The pdf file ( < 1MB ) can be freely copied and distributed.

date posted 05/12/2021