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My views on Cosmology and Physics

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My Story of Finding and Fixing Mistakes in Cosmology and Physics Told in 10 Books

I recently finished my 10th book on cosmology and physics. I have covered all of what I see are the important mistakes which have an explanation that I can describe, supported by references as needed.
When I wrote the first book in late May. 2020, I did not expect to write another.
However, after I completed one, I contemplated another topic worthy of a book. No book ever mentions one which follows.  I completed 10, but 1 at a time.

The archive of my posts was the beginning of several books.

This post offers highlights of my 10 books.
My goal was never selling books.
Each book is a also free Kindle download to those having Kindle Unlimited.

Because I used Kindle Direct Publishing,  only Amazon can distribute the book in the format being ordered.

My motivation was just learn, and solve the crucial problem, before tackling the next. Problem-solving was my goal through my entire career.

The efficient progress of science requires alternate views having proper evidence.

My books question the dogma being taught.

Our schools emphasize memorization without dissent.

My books are my entry in the arena of competing explanations for a phenomenon.

Perhaps, many years will pass before the competition is resolved.

Science is the accumulation of knowledge about certain topics by a group. This is a dynamic process with steps, in either a valid direction or a mistake.

To prevent too much time lost on a wrong path, the community of scientists must periodically revisit the competition of ideas, to get off a wrong path and find a better path. At any time, new data can affect previous conclusions.
Without the free flow of ideas, a previously valid conclusion could ber found in error and now there is no fix ready for the mistake.

Several significant mistakes arose after 1900, but their context was so narrow, that whether a claim or theory was wrong might be missed. The consequences of the mistake might not become apparent, until either more data are gathered, or more people review the phenomenon.

The unfortunate result of no one doing the either-or is the claim or theory can become accepted too quickly, and it is impossible to predict when conflicting evidence will arise for any particular behavior.

Evidence which is both conflicting and thoroughly convincing is required to overcome a mistake which became part of accepted knowledge.

Each book provided the evidence, as both data and conclusions, required to doubt the mistakes in the past, and to fix them.

The book number is before the title.

Book-1 Observing Our Universe

The book's 3 main topics are redshifts, gravitational waves, and relativity.

The word Observing in the title refers to:

1) observer measuring a Doppler effect,

2) observer's special instruments from LIGO mounted on Earth's crust, trying to report a gravitational wave (GW) by detecting a tiny ripple in Earth's crust. Everything affecting the surface will be detected.

LIGO cannot directly observe a GW because it is undefined and invisible. The LIGO software must find what it believes is the result of a passing GW. This software is crucial, and its context is thoroughly described.

3)  special observer in Einstein's theory of relativity.

The special, moving observer's reference frame is mathematically connected to that specific observer's current location in space. Relativity is background independent meaning the observer is never connected to specific coordinates in physical space. Therefore, no other observer can use any data in the special observer's reference frame. Space-time refers to the incremental motion of the special observer and the term refers to 4 values representing motion, using changes in position in space with a change in time. These 4 values are not a thing; the values are from only the special observer, so another observer can use them; each observer has a unique space-time, representing their motion. A feature in relativity like curvature can affect only the special observer and no one else. Curvature is often used as the name of a thing, but curvature is only a change in the path of the special observer when moving through a gravitational field. Curvature cannot be a change in physical space. Astronomers on or near Earth are not the special observer moving through a distant gravitational field. Therefore, a) it is impossible to observe a distant curvature and b) every observer's space-time is unique. These 2 inherent restrictions in relativity are often ignored. A simple example is "the big bang created space-time" but this is just nonsense when space-time is unique to each observer.

Relativity is nonsense, but academia and the popular press push it so many believe it because they were told to believe it.

Doppler effect can indicate only that something is moving in the observer's line of sight; it can never measure motion beyond that line.

The only accurate way to measure the velocity of a large celestial object like a galaxy is the method used by Tycho Brahe of many observations, to get the measured motion of planets over a long period of time.

This method has never been used successfully for objects beyond our solar system. There is no galaxy in the universe having a measured, observer-independent, 3-dimensional velocity.

I Explained how LIGO can claim to detect non-existent entities, like a gravitational wave (GW). LIGO reacts to Noon and Sun events. The first GW detections were triggered by New Moon, Full Moon, and perihelion.

I successfully predicted LIGO GW detections in November 2019, by knowing LIGO makes this mistake with every earth tide event; this prediction and confirmation by LIGO verified all of LIGO's claims are false.

Book-2 Cosmology Transition

The transition in the title is from the broken big bang cosmology to an electric universe cosmology. All mistakes identified in book-1 are assumed solved as described.

A new solar model by Dr. Robitaille is described. Unlike the century-old fusion model which has known deficiencies, his liquid metallic hydrogen model explains all solar observations. A space probe confirmed the electric current passing through both poles of the Sun. Donald Scott has explained how the internal electric currents generate the sunspot cycles above the photosphere surface. A star is an electrical phenomenon.

Hannes Alfven explained the electric current configuration or a spiral galaxy. Alfven was awarded the 1970 Nobel Prize in Physics for his work with plasma physics. Electromagnetism is important. It is often ignored when assuming gravity is the most important force. Relativity uses only gravity and ignores electromagnetism.

Every instance where the invisible dark matter is invoked for an unexplainable behavior there is a magnetic field is being ignored. There is no dark matter.

Book-3 Cosmology Connections

This book explains the notable electrical connections in cosmology, including magnetic fields and synchrotron radiation, within our solar system and beyond.
For example, Earth's aurorae are the visible result of Earth's electrical connection with the Sun. All of the gas giants have aurorae.

Book-4 Redefining Gravity

This book explains:
a) Newton's fundamental work on physics, including a) the force of gravity, and b) observer-independent absolute time and space, remains valid for physics,

b) space-time is not a valid replacement of Newton's force of gravity; examples are tides on Earth and a slingshot trajectory for a NASA probe past a planet to reach another object in the solar system, or Kepler's laws of planetary motion which defined elliptical orbits around the system's center of gravity. Space-time cannot explain the path driven by a system's center of gravity. This is a simultaneous, instantaneous behavior among a number of bodies. The force of gravity is mutual between bodies. Space-time describes no effect on any object other than the special observer.

I also describe my mechanism for the force of gravity defined by Newton; no equations in physics are affected. It affects only particle physics. Maxwell described the electric charge

Book-5 Practical Particle Physics

This book explains:
a) quarks are debris found only in colliders and are not fundamental particles,

b) the two fundamental particles are the electron and proton,

c) the cause of atomic mass defect using only classical physics,
not relativity or quantum chromodynamics, because the defect in measured values arises when fusing particles into a nucleus.

Book-6 Practical Atomic Model

This book explains:
a) an atomic nucleus is built from protons and electrons; a neutron is the combination of them.
b) the strong and weak forces are behaviors of the single electrostatic force between charged particles in the nucleus,

c) a new electron shell naming configuration where the shells are named and numbered by an increasing radius from the nucleus, avoiding the current, non-consecutive numbers, and enabling each atom's valence behavior to be apparent easier.

There are 2 fundamental particles, electron and proton. The 2 particles have very different masses, with proton much greater than the other, and have an opposite charge.
The 2 fundamental forces are gravity and electromagnetism, with gravity much weaker than the other.

When atomic nuclei are colliding in a particle accelerator, a number of muon particles can be detected. Rather than the model's expected debris of quarks, a muon can be found, having a mass less than a proton with the negative charge of one electron.

The discovery of the muon confirmed the Standard model, based on quarks, is wrong.
However, my changes to the model, like explaining atomic mass defect, remain valid.

Book-7 Measuring Galaxies

This book explains why all galaxies have their velocity measured incorrectly when using atoms in the line of sight for a measurement.
The analysis includes over 600 galaxies. The method of measuring each redshift velocity is identified, which could be either an absorption or emission line.

The method of distance calculation is also identified. The respective calculations of a non-Doppler velocity or of a distance are explained, with their limitations. This book is more thorough on redshifts than Book-1.

Book-8 Predicting Gravitational Waves Detections

LIGO and gravitational waves (GW) were covered in the first book, but the LIGO data covered through 2019. This book used the LIGO data as of April 2021.

LIGO made changes to its history, since 2019. This is a bad practice, when changing an archive. Different researchers can get an inconsistent data set, depending on the date of retrieval. Physics requires repeatability. Changing previous results makes this important requirement impossible.

I believe I am the only person to publicly predict GW detections by LIGO, and have LIGO confirm them by having assigned event names.

Anyone trying to learn about LIGO or gravitational waves must know the whole story. Unfortunately, right now, in late 2021, this book is the only book having that story, simply because I am the only person who predicted GW detections which were confirmed by LIGO.

Book-9 Cosmology Crisis Cleared
In this book, I Solved the mistake by astronomers when measuring velocities. This mistake with redshifts resulted in wrong theories, like Hubble's Law, universe expansion, big bang.

This book shares some material from Book-7, but this has a new narrative to suit the title.

Book-10 Gravitational Lens Illusions

This book explains the mechanisms which can bend the path of light.

Einstein claimed gravity or space-time curvature could bend the path of light.

The Eddington Experiment, which measured a single star near the Sun during a solar eclipse in 1919, was claimed to be a confirmation of Einstein. The thorough description of this experiment provides critical details. The important work of Dr. Edward Dowdye is referenced. He recorded the deflection of several stars whose light paths were at different distances from the Sun. The deflection is predictable by the diffraction from the light path's depth in the solar corona.

Only the well-known mechanism of diffraction can bend the path of light. Gravity and space-time cannot.

Several arcs and rings are observed in distant galaxy clusters. These plasma phenomena have no easy explanation by cosmologists who ignore behaviors defined by plasma physics.
The book describes 12 instances. Links are provided to each galaxy cluster's story and to an image. There are probably more than these that I found using different searches. There is no list of them. This set is a diverse collection. My explanations will apply to other clusters.

High redshift objects can be found near low redshift galaxies in distant galaxy clusters.
For cosmologists, this combination cannot occur. Their solution when observed is the light from the high redshift object was bent by a gravitational lens. This means the high redshift object is just an illusion and is not really where it appears. However, as noted in book 9, the velocities and distances being measured by astronomers are wrong. The observation of an unusual combination of redshifts is valid; there is no illusion.

There is no gravitational lens.

(End of the 10 books)

The 10 books cover a variety of topics under the wider scope of:

a) cosmology (the study of the cosmos including the mechanisms driving its observed behaviors), and

b) physics (the study of motion and energy in space and time).

Buying a book presenting an alternate view is a significant challenge, depending on how strongly one is attached to their current beliefs.

My goal is to present suitable evidence to convince one that a change toward my explanation is justified.

A claim having no evidence should be ignored. That problem in cosmology and physics was found and explained in my books. That problem justified writing the books.

My books must have suitable evidence for my explanations, to make each book worthwhile to the reader.

Only Amazon can sell books created using KDP.
Below is the link to all my publications. My site sells nothing.

Each book has a link to Amazon's page for the book. You choose paperback or Kindle

I posted this to my Facebook friends to describe my milestone.

This is not a sales pitch to my friends.

My books are available in the market for books on these topics.

Perhaps someday, like when cosmologists convene again to discuss their crisis lasting over 90 years, my books might be noticed as offering solutions to their mistakes.

I believe this is unlikely.

It is very difficult to re-float a ship while it is currently sinking. That is an appropriate description for the big bang cosmology. Its mistakes accumulate with no corrections.
date posted 12/29/2021