Cosmology View

My views on Cosmology and Physics

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Detecting Neutrinos

13 Final Conclusion

This is section 13 of 13.

The claimed evidence for a neutrino detection by an indirect method is not definitive, when other explanations are possible.

The original theory of Fermi's Interaction for Beta minus decay does not justify a neutrino.

Fermi assumed 2 new particles must be created from a neutron decay, rather than both the proton and electron being unchanged and free to move by any external force.
By mistake, he assumed energy must be relased with particles.
As no energy is detected from this event, he proposed that a massless no charge particle must carry away this missing enedrgy.

Each neutrino is proposed for an event having no particle to carry away some amount of energy.

The muon and tau neutrinos arise only from the result of particle collisions, and such energetic events do not justify a neutrino.

It is possible that all neutrino detectors, when placed so deep, are susceptible to events of natural, heavy radioactivty at such depths.

To confirm this explanation, the experiment must be done either on Earth's surface or when in orbit. Such tests were never done.

KamLAND was designed for and confirmed detections of radioactivty events at its depth.

Neutrinos predicted from the Sun are not detected in the correct quantities.

Soon, the current gaseous sun model will be replaced by a condensed matter sun in an electric cosmology.

Predictions of neutrinos from supernovae will fail if the model of a star is wrong.

A particle having little or no mass is impossible to detect directly, so it is difficult to verify a claim of a detection of a hidden particle..

There are no neutrinos.

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last change 04/04/2022