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Book by David Michalets
Progress of Metaphysics
Sky Scholar is a YouTube channel by Dr. Pierre- Marie Robitaille
He has infrequent guests like
Stephen Crothers and Edward Dowdye.
Sky Scholar
Both Crothers and Robitaille have given presentations at Electric Universe conventions.
Despite that connection, some of their important research remains ignored by the advocates of the Electric Universe cosmology in the Thunderbolts Project..
The significant contributions by this group to the progress of metaphysics are:
1) Disproving the claimed results of the 1919 Eddington Experiment,
2) Developing the Liquid Metallic Hydrogen model for a star,
Here is that LMH paper.
Forty Lines of Evidence for Condensed Matter — The Sun on Trial:
Liquid Metallic Hydrogen as a Solar Building Block
3) Disproving the CMB (a lynchpin of the failed big bang cosmology).
4) explaining the flaws of relativity.
Item 1 was the work of Edward Dowdye, now deceased.
Item 2 was the work of Robitaille and Crothers.
Item 3 was by Robnitaille.
Item 4 by Crothers.
Here are convenient references.
Papers by Robitaille
Papers by Crothers
web site by Dowdye
Go to Table of Contents, to read a specific section.
last change 05/28/2022