Cosmology View
My views on Cosmology and Physics
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Book by David Michalets
Progress of Metaphysics
7 My changes to EUC Metaphysics
I identified significant improvements in modern cosmology, to enable a future path destined toward a better understanding of reality, causality, matter, space and time.
In other words a better cosmology.
7.1 atomic model
EUC has adopted the Structured Atomic Model, or SAM.
This is good for EUC metaphysics because of the many problems with Standard Model.
However, SAM is not consistent when using a nucleus of quarks.
I offered SAM my change to an atomic model to avoid this wrong model of a nucleus, but I received no response.
Here is a link to a copy of that post, which includes a pdf with my changes to an atomic model
7.2 Mass and Gravity
I wrote a web book, Mass and Gravity, to explain both, in response to the electro-gravity theory.
Mass and Gravity
The EUC theory of electro-gravity must be dropped, as it is impossible, and cannot duplicate Newton's force.
My mass and gravity model explains gravity as a mutual, instantaneous force, and is the correct replacement for space-time. It brings back the force of gravity as proposed by Newton.
7.3 Intrinsic Redshift
Arp's theory of redshifts is impossible.
The light from a source cannot indicate the age of the source. Arp apparently believed a redshift is a measurement of an object's intrinsic attributes, like magnitude or position.
Arp would be correct with the term intrinsic magnitude. He is wrong with redshift.
He did not know a redshift actually depends on the person who is analyzing a particular spectrum.
I have explained the problem with redshifts and its solution.
Distant Spectral Shifts
7.4 Stars
We have measured the electric current running through the poles of our Sun.
Pierre-Marie Robitaille and Stephen Crothers developed a model of our Sun, based on condensed matter in the form of metallic hydrogen, which is a lattice of protons maintained by free electrons.
This LMH model explains all solar observations.
The Sky Scholar phase has links.
This model replaces the gaseous sun model proposed by Eddington, which included fusion under impossible conditions, where the star literally destroyed its own matter. This had to continue for the lifetime of a star.
This model defined our understanding of stars. The star luses its internal supply of hydrogen as its fuel supply. Hydrogen is fused with more hydrogen to make atoms of increasing atomic number. This process of fusion is claimed to convert matter into energy, so literally a star consumes itself. over time.
If this gaseous sun model were true, then the universe cannot be sustained as all of the stars destroy themselves.
We have never observed a star from its creation to whatever its final state will be.
The LMH model presents a very different perspective of the universe, than the current one of self-destruction.
Each star has an electric current coming from its galaxy.
The axial current heats the solid core, which cools by convection through the convective zone consisting of LMH. In turn, the convective zone transfers heat to the outer photosphere surface, which is also LMH, where the thermal energy is radiated away as thermal radiation.
This radiation continues by the current from the galaxy. As long as the star has power from its gaaxy, it will continue to shine.
There is no destruction of matter in this story. Each star is like a light bulb. Each galaxy is like a room having many light fixtures.
7.5 Cosmology story
Earth is our planet, in orbit around our Sun with other planets. Earth is the third of 8 planets from the Sun.
Our Sun is in an arm of our Milky Way galaxy. Our galaxy has an estimated 200 million stars.
Space probes measuring a star's location over many years from a changing view during Earth's motion in its orbit having an axis of 1 AU are able to provide data to calculate their distances from Earth.
Our Milky Way is in a cluster of galaxies called the Local Group. Our galaxy is 1 of about 20 galaxies in this group. Our galaxy is not at the center of this loose collection.
The rough diameter of this group is about 13 Mly. There is no edge. This estimate comes from the distribution of the galaxies in space, as seen from Earth.
M31 is the nearest large spiral galaxy. Using Cepheids as a distance metric, its distance is over 2 Mly.
If M31 were moving at the impossible velocity of light, ut would move 1ly per year.
At its distance, many generations are needed to measure its true motion in 3 dimensions.
We must concede that with the brief human lifetime compared to these immense celestial distances, we cannot measure motion of the closer celestial objects, like in our Local Group, let alone those beyond these.
Proposing a time of an event for the creation of the universe is absolutely preposterous, let alone a story of subsequent events following a specific timeline.
When lacking velocity data, hypotheses about galaxy formation and their evolution are conjectures which can be tested with computers as Anthony Peratt has done with simulations in software running on supercomputers. Beyond the computer simulations, the only data are images of respective galaxies, which lack reliable data for confirmation.
We have measured intergalactic current filaments between clusters and between galaxies.
This story describes why it's called an electric universe.
Again, the human lifetme is too brief for the processes which are involved in the evolution the the varous celestial objects.
Cosmology is always dealing with insufficient data, to develop and test explanations based on the current accumulation of data.
The modern cosmology where stars consume themselves by fusion and where fictitious black holes have the destiny of consuming everything elese is clearly wrong in many ways.
Looking forward, we need to learn more of how galaxies form, and how they create their stars.
We know that the intergalactic Birkelund currents bring the protons and electrons to each galaxy.
Perhaps, part of the future of cosmology rests on simulations like those by Peratt. He has simulated galaxy formation. I expect that over time for enhancements, the model will provide deeper details into how these celestial objects form and behave. We have not answered all the questions ,but a better path to finding the answers is being defined.
We are always limited to the data that our advancing technology can provide.
Eventually, metaphysics must concede there are some limits, especially when based on advances in technology, on the depth of what we can learn about the universe.
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last change 05/28/2022