Cosmology View
My views on Cosmology and Physics
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III. Attraction, Repulsion, and Electromagnetic Circumduction in the Solar System
Attraction, repulsion, and electromagnetic circumduction act in the solar system. Sun, planets, satellites, comets are charged bodies. As charged bodies they are interdependent.
The solar surface is charged negatively in relation to the charge of the earth, as the spectral lines (with the dominant red line in the spectrum of hydrogen) reveal. The sun carries a charge and rotates: it is an electromagnet.
The spots of the sun are magnetic, and the filaments of hydrogen on the sun's surface arrange themselves as iron particles in a magnetic field.(38) Besides the spots, the sun as a whole is a magnet. "The form of the corona and the motion of the prominences suggest that it is a magnet," wrote G.E. Hale when he undertook to detect the Zeeman effect.(39) The Zeeman effect proved to be most pronounced at 45° in both hemispheres of the sun; Hale found the displacement of lines decreases to zero at the equator and near the poles of rotation; and also that "a first approximate value for the vertical intensity of the sun's general field at the poles is 50 gausses." Thus, it was confirmed that the sun is a magnet, but the magnetic field was found not to be strong.
This result is questioned here. The lines of the corona suggested the existence of a magnetic field on the sun to the scholar who discovered it. But the form of the corona suggests a powerful magnetic field.(40) Visible coronal bands and streamers reach a distance equal to ten and more diameters from the disc of the sun—Mercury is only forty solar diameters from the sun and Earth 108 solar diameters. More recent investigation by Stevens, who photographed the streamers from 25,000 feet, disclose a globular corona more extensive than any known from ground photographs.
Disturbances in filaments and vortices of the sun affect the ionosphere of the earth and prove the existence of a powerful charge on the sun; rotating at the speed of the solar rotation, a strong charge must produce a strong magnetic field.
A revised investigation of the magnetic power of the field around the sun is here suggested. It should be kept in mind that the observations have been made from the solar magnetic field, in which the earth is embedded, if our concept is correct. It is possible also that the strongest Zeeman effect will show itself in latitudes higher than 45°. As is well known, the angle of observation must be taken into consideration in observing the Zeeman effect.
The sun is a rotating charged body, and it creates a magnetic field. We assume the solar charge to be large enough to produce a magnetic field with lines of force reaching the orbit of Pluto. The charged planets move at right angles to the sun's magnetic lines of force and describe the usual circular motion to which moving charged bodies are subjected in a magnetic field. Satellites, in turn, revolve in smaller magnetic fields produced by the rotation of the charged planets. The non-rotating planets have no satellites, for they do not produce magnetic fields. If there are rotating satellites, they may be able to revolve trabants around them.
"The origin of the earth's main magnetic field has so far defied all attempts of solution." (41) The cause of the earth's magnetic field is in (1) the magnetic field of the sun, and (2) the rotation of the charged earth around its axis.
It has been calculated(42) that if the earth is a magnet because of the rotating charge on its surface, the charge must be so great as to "enter as a serious factor in planetary perturbations," and therefore the theory was dropped.(43) But this is exactly what happens: the electromagnetic fields of the earth and of other planets are the causes of the planetary perturbations.
We have constructed a theory according to which the members of the solar system are charged bodies; electric attraction and repulsion, and electromagnetic circumduction act in the system; the origin of the magnetic field around the sun is in its charge—the sun is an electromagnet; planetary motion is due to the electromagnetic force exerted on the planets by the sun. The planets as charged bodies create magnetic fields by their rotation. It follows that (a) gravity, depending on electrical charge, varies with the charge, (b) the masses of the planets are inaccurately calculated, (c) the positive and negative charges are manifested only in relation to the charge of the earth.
One of the differences between the conception of celestial mechanism expounded here and the theories of gravitation of Newton and Einstein is that in our understanding the revolution of the moon is a process of a different order from that of the falling of objects near the terrestrial ground. The revolution of the moon is a phenomenon of circumduction of a charge by a magnetic field and is not a fall combined with inertia; the primary motion of planets and satellites along a straight line is a fallacious notion. At the distance of the moon the electromagnetic field of the earth causes circumduction while in the terrestrial atmosphere the electric field between the earth and the ionosphere causes the movement of the dipoles. Like the moon, the earth and other planets and satellites are subject to electromagnetic circumduction.
This section III begins with the Sun, before taking on celestial mechanics.
The solar surface is charged negatively in relation to the charge of the earth, as the spectral lines (with the dominant red line in the spectrum of hydrogen) reveal. The sun carries a charge and rotates: it is an electromagnet.
The Sun has a charge of +77C, while the Earth has a charge of -1.6E-16 C.
The Sun carries a positive charge.
Many of the planets have a known magnetic field, even though their specific charge iand polarity could be unknown.
I have no remarks to observations in CwG of the Sun, like its sunspots and magnetic field.
I believe Thunderbolts Project has already explained those solar electromagnetic behaviors, either in their web site or episodes of Space News.
None of this solar activity is about gravity.
One of the differences between the conception of celestial mechanism expounded here and the theories of gravitation of Newton and Einstein is that in our understanding the revolution of the moon is a process of a different order from that of the falling of objects near the terrestrial ground. The revolution of the moon is a phenomenon of circumduction of a charge by a magnetic field and is not a fall combined with inertia; the primary motion of planets and satellites along a straight line is a fallacious notion.
A story told by Newton is not his force, and the story does not truly represent Newton's widely used equation.
There is much confusion here. Einstein and CwG expect gravity is a process of falling, but not Newton.
I cannot know whether CwG was based on Newton's simplistic story, and never considered the actual equation for the force.
Newton's force of gravity is an instantantaneous force affecting both masses, but diminishing by inverse-square of the mutual distance.
The free-fall behavior applies to a limited context, like where a small body has been lifted from the much heavier primary.
The experiment using a combination of heavy item and a feather has been done in a vacuum chamber and on the Moon. Both fall at the same rate.
This observation appears to conflict with Newton's equation. It doesn't.
The massive primary is getting a force from the much lighter, other object, but given this ratio of masses, the tiny effect on the Earth cannot be measured.
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last change 04/20/2022