Cosmology View

My views on Cosmology and Physics

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Review of Cosmos Without Gravitation

Section IV

IV. The Anomaly of Mercury and Other Phenomena Explained


"Universal gravitation" is an electromagnetic phenomenon, in which the charges in the atoms, the free charges, the magnetic fields of the sun and the planets play their parts.

In the frame of this theory the following phenomena become explainable:

All planets revolve in approximately one plane. They revolve in a plane perpendicular to the lines of force of the sun's magnetic field.
The planets have a greater aggregate energy of motion than the sun. The revolution of the planets did not originate in the angular velocity of rotation of the sun; the magnetic field of the sun effected their revolution. Also, the fact that one of the satellites of Mars revolves with an angular speed greater than that of the rotation of this planet is explained here by electromagnetic circumduction.
The retrograde revolution of a number of satellites. It is due either to retrograde rotation of the primary with inversed magnetic poles or to a difference of charges. The fact that the retrograde satellites of Jupiter and Saturn are the most remote from their primaries poses the problem whether their remoteness from the primaries and their relative closeness to the sun play a role in their being of a presumably different charge than the other satellites of Jupiter and Saturn.(44)
In the case of Uranus, the retrograde revolution of its satellites follows the retrograde rotation of the planet and its magnetic field. (One of the magnetic poles of Uranus can be readily investigated because it faces the ecliptic.)

The rotation of the earth. The tidal theory fails to account for the rotation of the planets. The position of the magnetic poles of the earth at a distance of about 20 degrees from the geographical poles may be related to the rotation of the earth. Once each day the magnetic poles of the earth occupy the southernmost and the northernmost positions in the lines of the magnetic field of the sun.
Perturbations among the members of the solar system are actions of attraction as well as of repulsion and depend on the charges of the planets and satellites and their magnetic properties. The fact that after perturbations, the planets resume their normal courses is due to the regulating action of the sun's magnetic field. Similarly, the satellites are regulated in their motion by the electromagnetic fields of the primaries.
The anomalies in the motion of Mercury and other planets. The velocities of revolution of the planets depend on their charges. A strongly charged body is carried across the lines of the magnetic field more swiftly than a weakly charged body. If the charge of a planet increases, the velocity of revolution of such a planet must increase too. Positive as well as negative charges arrive from the sun in an uninterrupted flow.
The planet Mercury moves faster and faster. This must be the result of an increasing charge of the planet. Also, the anomalies in the motion of other inner planets may be attributed to a changing charge; other irregularities in the motion of the planets can be attributed to the fact that the electrical charge of the sun is not equally distributed on the solar surface.

The deflection of a ray of light passing close to the sun. Before attributing the deflection to the gravitational field of the sun, the influence of the magnetic field of the sun on the rotation of light should be calculated. (The influence of the moon on a ray of light by creating a ripple in the atmosphere during a solar eclipse must not be overlooked; an investigation of the trajectory of a stellar ray passing close to the moon in a lunar eclipse is suggested here.)
The repulsion of a comet's tail by the sun. The head of a comet and its tail are charged under a great potential difference, accounting for the manifest repulsion of the tail and attraction of the head. The neck of the comet is probably composed of positive and negative elements in equal proportion, thus forming a neutral zone between the head and the tail. Under the influence of the temperature in space the charges change and the comet returns on its orbit.
The displacement of the meteorites in the higher atmosphere. It is caused not by the winds, but by the electromagnetic effect of the ionosphere. The light of the meteorites is caused by electric discharges. Consequently, the passage of meteorites disturbs radio reception.
The influence of the moon on radio reception. The charged moon on its hourly stations exerts an attracting-repelling action on the electrified layers of the atmosphere (ionosphere) to a greater degree than on the "insulating layer" of the earth's atmosphere.
The semi-diurnal variations of the barometric pressure. These variations with maxima at 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. have their cause in the semi-diurnal changes of the charge of the ionosphere at the same hours, 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. The barometric pressure reflects the degree of attraction exerted by the ground and the ionosphere on the gaseous envelope.
The defiance of gravity by water and cloud building. The ground and the ionosphere induce secondary charge-layers in the atmosphere. In such a secondary layer cloud-building takes place. Generation of electricity in clouds is due not to the friction of neutral clouds on mountain ridges, or to the friction of neutral clouds among themselves, or to the friction of droplets by the gravitational pull on them, but to the fact that droplets rise already charged toward the charged layer of the atmosphere, and clouds are further subjected to induction by the ground and the ionosphere. This explains also the segregation of the charges in the upper and lower levels of the clouds.
Defiance of gravity experienced in the cumulo-nimbus clouds. This defiance recorded by airplane pilots is the result of charges and electromagnetic effects prevailing in these clouds.
The direction of the cyclonic and anticyclonic whirls. Their direction on the earth, as well as on the sun, depends on the electromagnetic fields and not on the rotation of these bodies.
Increased gravity over the sea. The increase of gravity over the sea as compared with that over the continent may be explained by the higher charge of salt water.
* * *

There were a few attempts made to unite the electromagnetic and gravitational field theories; but as far as I know nobody has tried to solve the problem of planetary movement around the sun as a motion of charged bodies in a magnetic field; my explanation implies that the measurement of the solar magnetic field by Hale is not correct.

If the sun has a sufficiently strong magnetic field so as to reach the farthest of the planets, the quantitative elements are dictated by the charge of the sun, the strength of its magnetic field, and the charge of the planets.


Section IV is about celestial mechanics as defined by new theories presented in CwG.

Section IV begins with a statement which is the goal of CwG, but the claim is not truly supported in CwG.


"Universal gravitation" is an electromagnetic phenomenon, in which the charges in the atoms, the free charges, the magnetic fields of the sun and the planets play their parts.


The declaration of CwG's conclusion is fully not supported here, with evidence.

Paragraph  number 1 is an observation the planets are in one plane.

A magnetic field can generate the tangential Lorentz force.

This is the mechanism for the disk rotation in a spiral galaxy. This disk is one plane.

A combination of the positive Sun and negative planets is being proposed as the analog of an atom.

However, one must note the orbits must be circular, like in an atom.

A mechanism for an elliptical motion by simple electromagnetism is impossible.

The ellipses described by Kepler's Laws of Planetary Motion come from the non-symmetrical behavior of a system's center of gravity. This focus for an ellipse is the center  of the instantaneous, non-uniform distribution of masses and orbits in the system, even including the primary.

Paragraph  number 2 is an observation about the aggregate energy in the solar system. There is an assumption about this distribution. The claim it is wrong. There is no evidence that a difference from expected results is from gravity, to support a claim that gravity should be discarded.

There are different theories of the solar system creation.  Some propose Jupiter and/or Saturn with their collections of moons as having changed positions before or during human history.

One theory involes a Proto-Saturn, where the planet changed in human history.

Titan is the largest moon of Saturn. It shares a coincidence with Earth. They are the only 2 bodies having an atmosphere dominated by nitrogen.

Another is the Ganymede Hypothesis. This theory proposes an evolution of our solar system.

This is not my theory, but is  worthwhile noting, when CwG has expectations which are not matched by observations, so the result is discarding gravity.

Ganymede is an interesting moon of Jupiter. Though it lacks an adequate atmosphere, it has a magnetic field which offers some protection from cosmic rays, and it could have more water than Earth.

Ganymede Ocean

My remark continues.

Paragraph numbers 3 and 4 are about iInconsistencies in the motions or tilts.

Like with other paragraphs, we don't know the history of the solar system.
Thes anomalies  could be from the events in the solar system.

In that case, there is no need to discard gravity from cosmology.

Paragraph number 5 is about perturbations.

The CwG claims of repulsion require evidence.

Paragraph number 6 is about orbit anomalies.

The CwG claims there arevelocity changes, but with no details, especially when, in the planetary configuration, and in the solar cyclical changes both in its radiation, and solar wind.

There is probably a notable phenomenon here, but it has no data.

Paragraph number 7 assumes the 1919 Eddington Experiment confirmed Einstein's predictions, so the solar magnetic field could be responsible, for CwG to claim its validity.

CwG could not know of the LMH solar model, and Dr. Dowyde's testing and confirmation the liquid metallic hydogen in the solar corona can serve as the medium to bend the path of light, when the light passes near the solar limb. This in my Einstein's Mistakes book.

The solar magnetic field cannot bend light, as proposed  in CwG.

Paragraph number 8 is about comets.

Electric Universe cosmology has already explained that a comet is an electromagnetic phenomenon and is not explained by gravity.

It is even called an electric comet.

Paragraph numbers 9 through 14 are about the atmosphere, which was covered in section I.

Paragraph number 15 is about a gravitational anomaly over the sea. NASA's GRACE mission was covered in section I.

The text continues with an unnumbered paragraph.  This text claims there is no theory to explain planetary motion, like CwG.

After this text is a line with ***

To me, that text is like an epilogue. Another contributor is named, and credited.

The text after that *** was provided in this book review's first page after the CwG Synopsis.

That trailing text is not repeated here, as it is not truly part of section IV.

If interested now,  then go to the page having the table of contents.

Go to Table of Contents, to read a specific section.

last change 04/20/2022