Cosmology View

My views on Cosmology and Physics

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Review of Cosmos Without Gravitation

Section V



The usual term "rotation" may be misleading, as it is the phenomenon of planetary revolution, not rotation, to which it is here referred.

E.O. Hulburt in Fleming's Terrestrial Magnetism and Electricity, 1939, p.492

W.J. Humphreys, Physics of the Air, 1940, p.227

Encyclopedia Britannica, 14th edition, "Atmosphere"

See Sir James H. Jeans, The Kinetic Energy of Gases, 1940

W.J. Humphreys, op.cit., p.240. Lord Rayleigh is quoted from the Philos. Mag., May 29, 1890.

On the attraction of the Himalaya Mountains, by J.H. Pratt, Philos. Transactions of the R. Soc. of London, vol.145, London 1855.

On the computation of the effect of the attraction of mountain-masses, 1855.

W. Bowle, "Isostasy" in Physics of the Earth, vol.2, ed. by B. Gutenberg.

Vening Meinesz; see Fleming, Terrestrial Magnetism, p.33.

The Navy-Princeton Gravity Expedition to the West Indies in 1932.

A. Berget, Paris C.R. 116 (1893), pp.1501-3

Ch. John and H. Babcock, Pressure and Circulation in the Reversing Layer of the Sun's Atmosphere. Contribution of Mount Wilson Observatory, 278, 1924.

A. Unsold, On the Physical Interpretation of Spectro-heliogram, Contr. M. Wilson Obs. 378, 1929.

Peter Lebedew, An Experimental Investigation of the Pressure of Light, Ann. Rep. of the Smithson. Inst. 1903, John Cox, Comets' Tails, the Corona, and the Aurora Borealis, ibid.

Comp. Ch. L. Poor, Gravitation versus Relativity, 1922, p.98.

Comp. P. Duhem, La Théorie Physique, 2nd ed., 1914, pp.293 ff.

J. Zenneck, "Gravitation" in Encyclop. der Mathem. Wiss., vol. V, part I p.44.

Lodge, Philos. Mag., Feb. 19, 1918.

S. Newcomb, Monthly Notices, R.A.S., January 1909.

H.T. Stetson, Earth, Radio, and Stars, 1934, p.202.

J. Herschel, Outlines of Astronomy, p.406.

J. Zenneck, Gravitation, p.36.

Hulburt, The Upper Atmosphere, p.492.

F.H. Bigelow, Circulation and Radiation in the Atmosphere of the Earth and the Sun, 1915, p.42.

Ch. Olivier, Meteors, p.129.

The ancients assumed that the flame is not attracted to the ground. No experiment is known where this assertion had been subjected to experimental verification.

Kosmos, (1932) p.106.

Strangely enough, the movements of the electrons around the nucleus are ascribed to the electrical attraction between these bodies plus an infinitesimal gravitational attraction and to the inertia with which the electrons are trying to overcome these two pulls.

T.M. Cherry, Newton's Principa in 1687 and 1937, (1937) p.15.

Since Adams and Leverrier expected to find a planet of the size of Uranus ca. 1,750,000,000 miles beyond the orbit of Uranus, and it was found ca. 1,000,000,000 miles beyond Uranus, the mass of Neptune was overestimated by a factor of three.

Principia, Book III, Proposition V, Corr. V

Kosmos, 1932, p.107

A. Einstein, Relativity, 11th ed., London, 1936, p.69.

W. Swann, Science, July 3, 1942.

In connection with this, attention should be paid to the following: "When measurements of the earth's magnetic field are used to evaluate the magnetic line-integral around any chosen area on the earth's surface, the result generally differs from zero. This, according to a fundamental principle of electromagnetism, is to be taken as evidence that an electric current flows vertically across the area ... The average current-density is about 10,000 times that of the air-earth current that is derived from atmospheric-electricity measurements, so that it seems inadmissible to interpret either this aspect of the earth's magnetism or the currents observed in telegraph-lines of mountain slopes as manifestations of vertical electrical currents in the atmosphere unless there is involved here some principle or some mode of electrical transport that is yet unknown to physics... A problem that may be of fundamental importance to physical science." O.H. Gish, "Atmospheric electricity" in Fleming, op.cit.

Relativity, The special and the general theory, 11th ed., 1936, p.64

R.S. Richardson, The nature of solar hydrogen vortices, Contr. M. Wilson Sol. Obs. 1941

Preliminary results of an attempt to detect the general magnetic field of the sun, Contr. M. Wilson Sol. Obs N. 71, 1913.

F.H. Bigelow, Circulation and rotation in the atmosphere of the earth and of the sun, 1915.

A.G. McNish, op. cit.

By B. Rowland who criticized the theory of Perry and Ayrton printed in Proc. Phys. Soc. of London (1879)

Hale, Preliminary results, p.3.

The sixth and seventh satellites of Jupiter are 7,114,000 and 7,292,000 miles (mean distance) from the planet, and have a direct revolution. The eighth and ninth satellites, with retrograde revolution, are 14,6000,000 and 14,900,000 miles distant. The farthest satellite of Saturn, with direct revolution, 2,210,000 miles away from the planet; the only satellite with retrograde revolution is 8,034,000 miles away from the primary.


It is impractical, if not impossible, for me to check these sources. All were published before 1946.

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last change 04/20/2022