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Toothbrush Cluster
Astronomers have observed a 'double strand' with a 'twist' coming from a 'junction' with radio radiation 'revealing long filamentary structures.'
These EU terms were a surprise in this AAS journal.
These details are observed in radio in a feature called a 'toothbrush.'
Clicking on the lower image reveals the named details.
Several segments attached to this structure are called 'bristles.'
In another Chandra image these bristles maintain their rough tubular shape for some distance.
Astronomers believe this structure with its 'unusual shapes' is from a possible merger. Details are missing.
The distracting blue cloud in the top image is supposedly dark matter where expected.
Below that image is a line in the text to click for a composite image.
This composite image has two very intense X-ray sources. I assume this pair along with the toothbrush are the 3 items in this cluster.
The story is about only the tooth brush feature so this pair is oddly ignored. Also strange is only the left one not the right is seen in the top image.
Are these plasmoids like in M87?
excerpt ===
The most prominent radio feature extends over more than six million light years, with three distinct components that resemble the brush and handle of a toothbrush. The handle is particularly enigmatic because, besides being large and very straight, it is off center from the axis of the cluster.
There is another story about this galaxy with the title' Deep VLA Observations of the Toothbrush Cluster'
excerpt ===
Astronomers studying the Toothbrush Cluster with new radio observations combined with other wavelengths have been able to confirm the galaxy merger scenario and estimate the magnetic field strength in the shocks.
There is more mass in this gas than there is in all the stars of a cluster's galaxies, and the gas can have a temperature of ten million kelvin or even higher. As a result, the gas plays an important role in the cluster's evolution. The hot intracluster gas contains rapidly moving charged particles that radiate strongly at radio wavelengths, sometimes revealing long filamentary structures.
my comment:
Cosmologists cannot explain this synchrotron radiation so they are left with impossible temperatures or an undefined mechanism with 'shocks.'
The observed 'double strand with a twist' implies a pair of birkelund filaments.
This structure is very long, at 6Mly.
Synchrotron radiation extending from radio to X-ray can be from fast electrons bending their path in a magnetic field even in intergalactic space.
Cosmologists have only one mechanism, an incredible temperature.
A published observation of a double strand and of long filamentary structures is notable. These are signs of plasma.
The two unmentioned intense X-ray sources being out in space and not among stars could suggest the pair are plasmoids.
They certainly do not look like a galaxy.
date posted 10/14/2019